Buchprojekt zu „Media and Participation in Post-Migrant Societies“ gestartet

Gemeinsam mit Merle-Marie Kruse haben Tanja Thomas und Miriam Stehling die Arbeit am Buchprojekt „Media and Participation in Post-Migrant Societies“ begonnen. Der Sammelband wird 2018 auf Englisch erscheinen.

Zum Inhalt

The edited volume deals with media and participation in heterogeneous, post-migrant societies. Post-migrant societies are considered to be fundamentally constituted by tension-ridden processes of negotiating forms of (forced) togetherness on different social and political levels. On the one hand, this bears the potential for post-national transformations and convivial futures, allowing for a re-negotiation of recognition, voice, and visibility in the light of migration. On the other hand, this involves new structural challenges for participation and new formations of racist in- and exclusions.

In contemporary media cultures, media are part of the most important sites where collective representations and narrations of a post-migrant civic culture are (re-)negotiated. At the same time, they offer powerful resources and instruments for civic participation and collaboration. Integral to the contributions of this volume are multi-faceted analytical perspectives of how media communication is currently shaping and transforming participation and ways of ›living together‹ in post-migrant societies. On a theoretical level, this entails addressing questions such as: How can the interrelations of participation and media be (re-)conceptualized in increasingly diverse, post-migration societies? Is there a ›right‹ to participate and to not participate, and how are norms of participation negotiated in and via different media? How is participation linked to concepts such as voice, visibility, recognition, agency, and collaboration?

On an empirical level, this volume addresses a threefold perspective of media and participation in post-migrant societies: Firstly, a number of contributions deal with media representations of and discourses about refugees, migrants, and migration with a focus on questions of civic participation, visibility, and recognition. Secondly, other chapters are concerned with media use and the role of (social) media as instruments and resources of claiming and negotiating voice, visibility, participation, collaboration, and redistribution in post-migrant societies. This also entails investigating the visibility of people contesting normative standards (e.g. of gender, heteronormativity, whiteness, religion, occidentalism) in post-migrant conditions and looking for ideas of a convivial civic culture which are mapped out in (mainstream) media. And thirdly, yet further contributions analyze different aspects of how participation in and through media is regulated and institutionalized in post-migrant societies.

With this volume we aim to extend the existing research on participation in media cultures by introducing a special focus on post-migrant conditions to the discussion – both as conceptual refinements and as empirical studies. Thus, the volume focuses on media and participation in sociopolitical contexts where migration has been acknowledged by state institutions and the public as inevitable and ›real‹. Hence societal negotiations over migration expand to conditions aftermigration has occurred. The contributions of this book provide diverse analyses of the resources, possibilities, but also constraints for participation and the role of media communication in the reshaping of civic culture in post-migrant societies.